
Best Student Award

The Best Student Presentation Award will be given to the most outstanding oral or poster presentation presented by a participant who has registered under the student category. The best student will be selected based on the final mark received from the evaluators and the final decision is given by the Conference Chair.

Undergraduates, Master students, and Ph.D. students will be considered under this category.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Total Marks gained in the presentation
  • Significance of the paper to the field
  • Theoretical contribution
  • The ability of practical implementation
  • Use of appropriate methodology
  • Originality

2nd International Conference on Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Best Reviewer Award

The Best Reviewer Award is an award that acknowledges the outstanding contribution of one reviewer, whose insightful and supportive feedback has helped authors substantially improve their papers. The best reviewer will be selected based on the final mark received from the Conference chair.

Every reviewer in the scientific committee will be considered under this category.

Early Bird Registration Deadline

27th March 2025

Session’s Best Awards

Best Oral Presentation

The oral best presentation from each session will be selected based on the final mark received from the evaluators and the final decision is given by the Conference Chair. Below criteria are taken into consideration for this award and marks are given out of 100.

  • Content (35%)
  • Significance (20%)
  • Clarity and flow of the presentation (20%)
  • Originality (20%)
  • Timing (5%)

Best Poster Presentation

The poster best presentation from each session will be selected based on the final mark received from the evaluators and the final decision is given by the Conference Chair. Below criteria are taken into consideration for this award and marks are given out of 100.

  • Content (40%)
  • Introduction and Abstract (15%)
  • Clarity and flow of the presentation (20%)
  • Poster Design and Overall Visual Appeal (10%)
  • Verbal Interaction (10%)
  • Timing (5%)

Each awardee will be given a certificate and medal and will be recognized during the Global Public Health Conference 2025 award ceremony which will be held on 20th June 2025.